My shoot featured on National Geographic Network

A while back you may remember I wrote about doing a shoot for a program on National Geographic Network… well the program finally came out and was aired in late August (of course nobody told me when it would show so i had to hear from friends who had seen me on TV!)– well it was originally called “Man’s First Migration” but was aired under the title The Human Family Tree in the end… and instead of being a multi-part series they condensed it to one program… but I’m still in it! Check out the clip here, just click on the funny looking picture of a guy with his hand in front of his face against a white background… it’s the 3rd clickable image under the VIDEO tab… that was my model for the shoot– Dave Reed.

Clip of Sarah Tew doing a studio shoot on National Geographic Network’s “The Human Family Tree”


Powered by Facebook Comments

andy - September 17, 2009 - 4:00 am

You’re famous!!!! go sarah go sarah go!

Alice - September 17, 2009 - 7:54 am

So cool, Sarah! Way to go

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