The Wedding of Anne & Bret

Anne and Bret are outdoorsy types of the highest order– he’s a life-long fishing fanatic and she’s a veterinarian, so of course they had their wedding at the charmingly rustic Bartlett Carry Club in the Adirondacks, and their adorable little dog performed the ringbearing duties. Anne was just stunning in Provonias, as you will see! Highlights for me included the very funny and moving toasts, and the fact that they decided to go ahead and have the ceremony outside even though it was raining lightly throughout!  It put my cameras to the test but it was a unique challenge indeed and I’m quite fond of some of the ceremony images with all the umbrellas!


Watch the full slideshow here or at a larger size (nice) on my facebook photography page here (click “like” on my page to follow me while you’re there!)

My infra-red filtered take on the umbrella scene down at the ceremony area (above)

Lots of guests had umbrellas so I had Jeff go grab the ladder from the trunk so I could get this shot above…

Jeff brilliantly got up on the ladder for the recessional and nabbed this great angled shot (above) of from over the umbrellas!  I love it!

The cutest ringbearer I’ve ever seen.

reaction shots during toasts are always so fun.

Sweet, sweet wedding cake…


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[…] & Jon saw me shooting at their friends’ Anne & Bret’s wedding a while back– they had been admired Anne & Bret’s guestbook of engagement portraits […]

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