Category Archives: Fine Art Photography

Appalachian Academy of Therapeutic Arts: Documentary School Photography

I had the opportunity to spend a beautiful school day in May capturing a “day in the life” series at the Appalachian Academy of Therapeutic Arts: a unique and amazing school dedicated to holistic education in a gloriously nature-based setting in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, NC. I was given free range to wander […]

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Family Documentary Photography: A day in the life of the Crowe Family

Since moving to the Asheville, NC area from NYC at during the pandemic I have been thinking through the kinds of photography I want to pursue here.  I’m sure I’ll keep shooting weddings, but I feel excited to try offering new specialties in this new place. A few years ago I became enthralled with a […]

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The birth of Marley

As many of you know my favorite personal project is shooting home birth documentary stills for my book project (one day I hope to publish a large birth photography book suitable for midwives offices/doulas/moms/anyone interested in documentary photography or birth itself)… I had the honor of meeting Caitlin, who writes about her experience below.  Due […]

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