Category Archives: Promotional Photography

Appalachian Academy of Therapeutic Arts: Documentary School Photography

I had the opportunity to spend a beautiful school day in May capturing a “day in the life” series at the Appalachian Academy of Therapeutic Arts: a unique and amazing school dedicated to holistic education in a gloriously nature-based setting in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, NC. I was given free range to wander […]

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Business Headshot for Michael Day Studio, NYC Florist

A few weeks ago I shot a special tasting and networking event down at PowerHouse Arena in DUMBO– which is a big awesome bookstore slash event space where I’ll actually be shooting Cheryl & Brian’s July 9th wedding!  Anyhow, since I’m currently a preferred photographer for The Housing Works Bookstore and The Works Catering was […]

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new website is up!

So after several years of dilly-dallying and perfectionist procrastination on design decisions I’ve actually got my new website up and functional… it’s not COMPLETE yet (i still have to fill out more of my portrait and personal/documentary/fine art work, and the logo is temporarily not working/fitting into the design so i may have to just […]

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Headshots for Jessica Weinstein

Jessica is a skilled stilts-performer and actress (she was recently in a show in Greece, jealous?!) and needed some new headshots to show off her newly short hair… We met at my studio on an unpleasantly hot early evening and walked around outside (she was a trooper about the heat) after selecting the outfit and […]

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