Zackary’s 2 years old!

Lydia asked if I would photograph her son Zackary’s 2nd birthday party at her house last weekend… I hadn’t seen him since he was around a year old and my how he’s grown– and what an adorable party!  She and her husband have renovated this cute little rowhouse not far from where I live in Williamsburg– it’s right across from a park and just right for raising kids– they had their basement/garage turned into a playroom of sorts and built a deck in the back yard space where the kids were blowing bubbles and generally playing.  The theme was guitars– as you’ll see in the pictures– Zackary’s daddy is a musician and as a result he is quite taken with the instrument himself.

Miles for Midwives NYC 2010

Having shot home births and met some inspiring midwives and moms who choose them, I was thrilled to shoot this year’s Miles for Midwives charity run/event in Prospect Park this past Saturday for one of my favorite organizations, Choices in Childbirth.  It was a spot of perfect weather amidst a week of dismal rainy days and everyone seemed to be having a fantastic time out there.  Families came and cheered on one member who ran or in some cases ALL made the run– babycarriages were popular accessories!

If you’d like to access the gallery of all images I shot (these and the images on facebook are just highlights) so as to order a print or find your finish line photo (I didn’t get every person, sorry but I had to change memory cards a few times!  There were a lot of you running!) and share it to facebook– click on CLIENT GALLERIES at the left there, select Miles for Midwives NYC 2010 and enter the password NATURAL1  or just click HERE.

Early birds get print discounts!  Enjoy…


Ben & Nicole’s Engagement Shoot: Greenpoint

For their engagement portraits, Ben and Nicole wanted to take a walk in Greenpoint (Nicole grew up there!) and we headed down through McCarren Park an finished up at the new Williamsburg Waterfront park. What a beautiful couple! Can’t wait to shoot their wedding next summer.

Joanne Manheimer - October 1, 2010 - 3:15 pm

I just love the pictures!!!!!!!!!!

BARBARA BETH - October 4, 2010 - 12:18 pm

so much in love, it fILLS us with joy
love you both
granmother & poppa

Faggs - October 10, 2010 - 3:27 pm

Very Nice Photo’s…I especially like the Ice Cream Truck photo….missing NY Blue Italian Icee…Faggs

Faggs - October 10, 2010 - 3:28 pm


Ben & Nicole's Engagement Shoot: Greenpoint

For their engagement portraits, Ben and Nicole wanted to take a walk in Greenpoint (Nicole grew up there!) and we headed down through McCarren Park an finished up at the new Williamsburg Waterfront park. What a beautiful couple! Can’t wait to shoot their wedding next summer.

Joanne Manheimer - October 1, 2010 - 3:15 pm

I just love the pictures!!!!!!!!!!

BARBARA BETH - October 4, 2010 - 12:18 pm

so much in love, it fILLS us with joy
love you both
granmother & poppa

Faggs - October 10, 2010 - 3:27 pm

Very Nice Photo’s…I especially like the Ice Cream Truck photo….missing NY Blue Italian Icee…Faggs

Faggs - October 10, 2010 - 3:28 pm