Pepper wanted to shoot some fun pinup-style images for her portfolio (*and for her boyfriend, let’s not forget him!) so we got creative in my studio, using mostly a black velvet background and her costume selections, but also I threw in a few sheer 1950’s floral curtains for fun. I had a blast processing these as I just made the switch to Lightroom and am now enthralled with the possibilities enabled by develop module preset creation. (photographers know what i mean, sorry for the gobbledygook everyone else). Here are a few favorites from my shoot with Pepper. She’s recently engaged so perhaps you’ll see her here in a wedding dress in another year! Ladies, contact me if you’d like a session to create a private gift-book for your hubby or boyfriend, ready in time for valentines day…
I’ve been fortunate enough to have been a guest at a number of “The Apartment” parties at friends Michael Leviton and Leah Hayes’ place over the last few years. They’d invite musicians over for an evening every month or so and people would take turns getting up and playing a song or two right there in this tiny railroad apartment’s living room. Everyone would crowd into the room, sitting on the floor, standing in the hall, it was very intimate, and almost every party, a few of the performances would be simply amazing. Keith and I discovered a few of our favorite musicians there. Alas, Michael and Leah are finally moving to a new place, and don’t expect to be able to throw parties like this anymore, so here’s looking back… the Times has just done a piece on this story you can read here.
See a few of my favorite performances here:

I was asked to shoot some promo portraits of musician/produce TH White for his upcoming album release. He wanted to shoot in his neighborhood in manhattan, so we took a walk and found some interesting backgrounds to shoot against. Here are a few favorites.