Maker Faire NYC 2010: my slideshow with audio on CNET!

This weekend I shot the Maker Faire— it’s first NYC event, hosted at the New York Hall of Science.  It was a sprawling collection of artists, engineers, scientists, and tinkerers showing off their projects and getting together for a weekend of revelry… This event originated in 2006, put on by MAKE magazine in San Mateo, California… since then it’s branched out into a few other cities, and I am crossing my fingers that they do NYC annually from now on– i’ve never seen kids having so much fun!  It was my first attempt at creating a really slick and substantial slideshow of work in with audio clips layered over ambient sound to create a seamless soundtrack that would tell the story along with the pictures… I think I did a pretty good job, though I might have liked to make the whole thing longer and give the audio snippets a little more breathing room in between voices… bring in the ambient sounds/musics a bit more in the transitions.  But i didn’t know how long would be too long (attention span, etc) or if my slides were longer than 2 seconds if people would get annoyed… and of course as this was a piece of news I was submitting for CNET it was on a deadline so I did the best I could in the time I had… Take a look and mark your calendars to attend next year’s Maker Faire! (click to see my slideshow– you can watch it in full screen mode on CNET!)

Bajir and Maki are Hitched!

So, Bajir and Maki have been engaged only a short time, but they did go ahead and get married at the courthouse a few days prior to our shoot, though they’re aiming for a formal wedding event next summer with family and friends… hopefully in NYC!!  They were cute as can be walking around Williamsburg with me during our session. Bajir brought his ukelele to serenade his lovely wife in some pics, and they brought a handful of balloons to lend a fun vibe to some shots. Having lived in W’burg for many years it surprises me that i hadn’t done an engagement session here before– after all I shoot bands here frequently (perfect settings for band shots abound) and know the area well. It was lots of fun and the shots came out great. Congratulations, Bajir and Maki!


Julie - September 9, 2010 - 11:56 pm

these are lovely! williamsburg has so many colors and shapes! i love the one in the bookstore and the night bridge shot.

Wedding Slideshow for Alana & Matt

Alana & Matt were married on August 21st at Terrace on the Park in New York CIty. Alana is a Rockette dancer at Radio City Music Hall, and former ballerina…and she had the most perfect light pink ball-gown of a wedding dress… the train was so long and the bustle was incredible. Matt is a working actor and proposed to her onstage after a show… these two were featured on the New York Times wedding section and if you click on them you should totally watch their video interview, it’s pretty cute.  Needless to say, they had a dramatic wedding, complete with heartfelt personal vows delivered loudly enough so everyone could hear them (actors project!) and what may have been the best first dance number i’ll ever see… there was a spinning LIFT involved, need I say more? (ok, i don’t know the term for what they did but it looked like something you’d see in the olympic pairs skating competition, or in a scene from dirty dancing!)

I met Alana over a year ago when I was looking for my own wedding dress- we were shopping at the same sale (both of us bought amazing dresses that day) and after chatting for a bit and hearing that I was a wedding photographer she wanted to see my work… the rest is history.  I was so glad to be there to shoot this excellent wedding– A big thanks to Dmitry for his excellent 2nd shooting.


By the way, this was a departure from my typical slideshow style.  I had so many images I wanted to feature but couldn’t fit them in my typical format– this Lightroom 3 slideshow allows you to ‘fit to music’ so though they go by pretty fast I think it works.  Watch it on facebook for larger High Quality version!  Let me know what you think– it’s much simpler than the other ones but can hold more pictures…

Side Effects of Medicine - November 22, 2010 - 7:56 am

bachelorette parties are of course so nice because you can meet some other girls ,.”

Wedding Slideshow for Alana & Matt

Alana & Matt were married on August 21st at Terrace on the Park in New York CIty. Alana is a Rockette dancer at Radio City Music Hall, and former ballerina…and she had the most perfect light pink ball-gown of a wedding dress… the train was so long and the bustle was incredible. Matt is a working actor and proposed to her onstage after a show… these two were featured on the New York Times wedding section and if you click on them you should totally watch their video interview, it’s pretty cute.  Needless to say, they had a dramatic wedding, complete with heartfelt personal vows delivered loudly enough so everyone could hear them (actors project!) and what may have been the best first dance number i’ll ever see… there was a spinning LIFT involved, need I say more? (ok, i don’t know the term for what they did but it looked like something you’d see in the olympic pairs skating competition, or in a scene from dirty dancing!)

I met Alana over a year ago when I was looking for my own wedding dress- we were shopping at the same sale (both of us bought amazing dresses that day) and after chatting for a bit and hearing that I was a wedding photographer she wanted to see my work… the rest is history.  I was so glad to be there to shoot this excellent wedding– A big thanks to Dmitry for his excellent 2nd shooting.


By the way, this was a departure from my typical slideshow style.  I had so many images I wanted to feature but couldn’t fit them in my typical format– this Lightroom 3 slideshow allows you to ‘fit to music’ so though they go by pretty fast I think it works.  Watch it on facebook for larger High Quality version!  Let me know what you think– it’s much simpler than the other ones but can hold more pictures…

Side Effects of Medicine - November 22, 2010 - 7:56 am

bachelorette parties are of course so nice because you can meet some other girls ,.”