celebrity sightings…

This week I was hired to do a bit of shooting at the NY International Auto Show, and I thought i’d share a few nifty pics I snagged for myself while there– the first series was from a press conference featuring a team of U.S. Olympic gold medalists (the bobsled team I believe). Then there was the Donald. Yes THE Donald, sighted rather randomly by the writer I was accompanying– he looked to be doing some sort of wheeling and dealing and was not taking kindly to the fact that a few photographers had noticed him there so I didn’t shoot more than a few frames out of fear of being “fired.”

and here’s the Donald:

Become a fan on Facebook!

Now you can visit my page on facebook– if you want to become a fan you should be able to tag yourselves in my photos if you’re a client of mine.(actually i think i need to change a setting for that to work– hold on the tagging til I get it cleared up– sorry everyone who was trying!)  I will generally be posting the same photos on my facebook page that are going up on my blog… here’s my page: http://www.facebook.com/sarahtewphotography

Tim White Productions: Studio Interiors and Equipment

Tim White got back in touch with me recently to have some interiors and detail shots done for his website that would show off his music production studio. This was such a neat project for me because I love doing closeups of interesting stuff like this– music equipment is fascinating to me and of course I really enjoyed putting some funky processing on the photos to go with the vibe… I am hoping he won’t mind if i take a stab at making him a short slideshow of set to his music that I can put on youtube as a mini-advertisement that will offer a link back to his website at the end. This could be a good way of flowing some traffic to his site, and every little bit helps when you are in a creative business like photography or music!  Here are a handful of favorites.